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10 February 2007

Rubies, diamonds, and minerals...Oh My!

Hubby and I attended the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show today. The third book in the DA series is about a family of jewel thieves and I thought what better research than a gem show. For the $7 admission fee, we saw alot. The one room where I got the most pictures, was the first exhibit hall we entered. It looked like an auditorium where they have basketball games. I wasn't looking for anything specific, until I saw display cases of huge loose gems like this



I was picturing a total smash'n'grab scene when I took the first shot. I was practically salivating when I saw that display case full of loose gems. Then I tried to narrow it down a bit when I started seeing jewelry like these two:

I saw some rings that were just as outraegeous as these necklaces. Where the stone is so ungodly huge and seemingly unreal, you'd be afraid to wear it longer than 30 seconds. If you look close enuff, maybe you can see the ones in the above pictures. Needless to say, I had a great time touching this tall, amethyst phallus, er, mineral priced at $5k.

And I meant that I enjoyed myself at the show. We bought some jewelry cleaning stuff that really made my wedding set sunglass-blinding sparkly and a handful of Agate rocks (good for grounding) for $1 a handful. I let my hubby do the honors on that one, seeing as how his hands are bigger than mine. One of the many Pros of being a writer: research. Gotta love it.


posted by GeminiWisdom @ 4:37 PM |


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