26 July 2006
Who Knew?
In the MSN News today, Lance Bass reveals he's gay. That would be Lance Bass, formerly of boy band, N'Sync and the guy who couldn't raise enough money for a space shuttle flight. Even though he went thru the Common Man's Astronaut Training. Whatever. I never liked him anyway. In all these boy bands, there has to be the ugly one or the not-really-that-popular-one. I think he was that guy for this group. I had no clue, but then again, I never paid him much attention anyway.I think I would've been more shocked if that announcement had come from J.C. I had a love jones for him. If it had come from Justin, now, that would be a different story. I'd shed some crocodile tears while babbling incoherently about life's injustices, eat a whole Cream Cheese pie (plain, of course, no topping) from Marie Callendar's, then pull up my big girl panties and get over it. He's grown into a FINE LOOKIN' MAN and it would've been a complete and utter shame if a man that fine, with moves like his, turned out to be gay. I'd be devastated, but I'd work thru the pain. I'm looking forward to hearing his new CD.
But it's Lance. Lance is gay. shrugs. Alrightythen. Well. Moving on...