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06 March 2007

This is why I write

Hi Celise,

Last year I had bought your first two books you had published for my daughter, Sarah's*, birthday. We had talked on Blogger ( I was Life in a Blender) and you sent her a little package with the first chapter to your next book.

I just wanted to tell you how you and your books had a profound effect on my daughter (and I didn’t even know it until last night). I was helping her set up a myspace account, making sure it was safe and secure and we were filling out her interests. She listed your books as some of her favorites and then in the “Who I’d like to meet section”, she listed you. I asked her why and she said because your books are awesome and she wants to get her hands on everyone you write.

She is only 11 years old. She LOVES to read and she has even tackled older books like Pride and Prejudice, etc.

Her birthday is coming up in June and I wanted to order any books you have since the first two. Could you please let me know the titles and how I can order them?

Thanks so much. Keep up the good work, you have made quite an impression with my daughter and that means a lot.

*name changed to protect the innocent.

I emailed her back right away and told her that I would--of course--friend her daughter. That's a no-brainer. I also informed her of my agent search and where they can keep track of the progress (both here and MySpace). It's stories like this that remind me, once again, why I write. Why I'm searching for an agent. Why I sometimes suffer through 6 months worth of writers block. This totally made my day today. Well, this and another requeset for a full MS.


posted by GeminiWisdom @ 5:30 PM |


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