21 January 2006
Teen Chicklit 101
I'm taking this online teenchicklit class (see "Snobsdale" post, date 29 Dec 05) taught by Lauren Barnholdt, there's required reading (Gossip Girl #1 and Bras and Broomsticks) that will be discussed later, and homework (10 pages every Wednesday). We turned in our first 10 pages on the 18th and I gave her some background on the series, why I was doing it, and the fact that I was dedicating it to my niece--as well as using her physical and personality traits to create the main character. She returned my 10 pages yesterday and this is what she had to say:I'm attaching your pages back to you. (I like them double spaced, so I just made a new document.) My comments are on the pages, a little bit of tightening and streamlining, a little more showing and not telling (I've always had a problem with this). You'll see what I mean from the marks on the document.
I LOVE the concept of this. I think it's so cool. (I'm not sure if Itold you this before, but Alias is one of my favorite shows, and thisis kind of like YA Alias.) It's very well-written, too. You have a great sense of description, and while I don't usually like prologues (and usually advocate cutting them) yours is great. It starts the book off on a great suspenseful note. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Pass the Biscuits! After the few days I've had (see "Doubting Celise" post, dated 20 Jan 06) I really needed to read something posititve like that. Lauren also happens to be a junior agent (not sure what that entails) at the Firebrand Literary Agency, so it was doubly nice.