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09 March 2007


It's Rejection City, y'all. Three in one day. Oh, lookee there, an oven with the gas turned on...

Rejection #18 via snail mail from Barry Goldblatt Literary LLC:

Dear Writer,

Thank you for your interest in my agency. Unfortunately, your manuscript doesn't sound like something that's right for me. I wish you the best of success in placing your work elsewhere.

Barry Goldblatt
Barry Goldblatt Literary LLC

Rejection #19 via snail mail from Jane Rotrosen Agency:

Dear Celise,

Thank you for your query. I'm afraid DRAVEN ATREIDES, TEENAGE FBI: A ROYALE PAIN just doesn't sound like my cup of tea. With regret, I must step aside.

Needless to say, you should not accept this as the final word. Ours is a highly subjective field; another reader may see immediate possiblities.

I appreciate your interest in our agency. Please accept my best wishes for continued sucess with your writing.

Christina Hogrebe

Rejection #20 via e-mail from The Lazear Agency:

Dear Writer:

Thank you for your recent query letter.

I'm afraid that at the present time we are unable to encourage you to submit your work to us for further consideration. Our decision is based upon our commitment to the needs of our existing clients as well as our perception of the current publishing climate.

We do wish you the best of luck with your marketing efforts and thank you again for contacting the agency.

The Lazear Agency

I don't think I'll reach that head-in-oven-scenario until I get my 99th rejection.


posted by GeminiWisdom @ 5:23 PM |


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