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06 February 2006

Let's Chat...

So, my YA TeenChickLit teacher, Lauren Barnholdt, is having a chat on Thursday, February 16th, at 8 o'clock EST, for the Institute of Children's Literature ( How coolio is that? I've never done a chat before, but I think I'd like to. I'm really enjoying her class and just found out she's going to be continuing it in March. I must say, this doesn't seem like "class" to me. I think if I had been able to do school online--with subjects I like and don't have to take--I think I would've enjoyed my high school years more. I've found that, with this class, I have to write everyday. We have to turn in 10 pages every week (for the next four weeks). It enforces my writing schedule, which I like.

Now, if only I can get rid of my stuffy nostril.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 11:52 AM |


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