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05 February 2006

My fifth day at Omega Vector...

...was a total wash. I didn't end up attending the final class and I'm still kicking myself for it. I was with a really great group, even though I never got phone numbers or email addys. I should've cancelled when I first got sick, but I had done that before. Twice. And I was determined to do it this time, but I've shouldn't have. I wasn't really taking care of myself (getting enough sleep, drinking enough liquid, etc) and it was getting in the way of my learning process. I find it hard to get any writing done when I'm sick so I should've taken a page from the Book of Instincts.

The good thing is I can go back at a later date and go through it again. Classes run every month, and have done so since 1978. I imagine it's not going to go away any time soon.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 12:30 PM |


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