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07 November 2006

You know you're husband's playing too much W.O.W. when...

Your backyard looks like a cross between a land fill...

...and a jungle. Thank you so effing much, Neil.

Needless to say, our Tabby cat, Sweetpea, re-enacts her version of "The Lion King" on a daily basis. Steven and I heard that a couple got divorced over this game. For reals. (Never mind the fact that he didn't have a job and she was supporting him with her stripper job. Semantics.) This game is addictive.

We've had this conversation before (my thing is effed up so you're gonna have to scroll down to read it). Now, seeing as how we just got married two months ago, I think it's kinda soon to be slapping him with some papers.

So. Um.....I'll wait til next month.

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling, the lion sleeps tonight...
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 1:53 PM |


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