25 November 2005
Anybody, anybody
There's a section in my monthly online newsletter called "Getting to Know You." It's a way for me to get to know new subscribers, but I'm down to my last few people. I'm stepping outside the box (read: subscribers) and looking for other people to participate. If you're interested, please copy and paste the questionnaire and send your responses to celise@geminimojopress.com. If you would, please indicate what you do for a living (don't have to name the place if you don't want to), a link to your website (if you have one), and your email address (so I can send you an issue of the newsletter when you're featured). My subscribership is slowly growing, so if anything, it'll be a way to get exposure. Thanks.
My parents gave me the name of:
But sometimes I go by:
I was born in:
I currently live in:
Siblings or only child:
I do/do not have pets:
My favorite food:
My favorite day of the week is:
My favorite flower is:
My favorite flavor of ice cream is:
My favorite fast food joint is:
My favorite movies are:
My favorite type of movies are:
My favorite actors and actresses are:
My favorite T.V. shows are:
My favorite subject in school was/is:
My least favorite subject in school was/is:
I would max out my credit card at:
When I'm bored, I:
My favorite thing to do with my family is:
My philosophy on life is: