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26 December 2005


Steven and I have been out all day shopping. I spent the $50 my parents gave me at Charlotte Russe. The whole store was on sale and I managed to get three pairs of pants (jeans and two camo cargo capris) for $32!! I found the cargo pants on a $9.99 rack, but when the girl rang them up, they were only $4.99!! For reals. Talk about a deal. We went to Barnes and Noble so I could spend the gift card and I had every intention of buying the required reading books for the online YA teenchicklit class I'll be taking next month. I'm proud of myself because I was actually able to find one of them there. But I could not leave the store without buying a romance book. I get pissed when I can't find something and Steven can attest to that. I seriously go thru withdrawal if I'm not reading an adult romance book. I imagine it's something like what an addict goes through during detox. Minus the shakes. And the hallucinations. We did see "Memoirs of a Geisha" today and we both liked it. No, it wasn't in subtitles, and yes, I'm very much looking forward to seeing Heath Ledger as Casanova. Seeing as how it just came out yesterday, and Steven refuses go see it with me, I hope I get a chance to before it leaves the theater.

This morning, something funny happened. We went to Best Buy to use the gift card. And, wonder of wonders, we were told that there was only $.07 on it. $.07?!!! Are you kidding me? Steven was a little pissed. I was more shocked than anything. The V.P. of the company I work for gave this to me. I don't know if everyone in my department got the same thing (meaning the gift card to Best Buy), but I'd be interested to find out if they all got stiffed, too. Or was I the lucky soul? I almost feel embarrassed taking it to him and telling him what happened because, really, what can he do? Except, maybe go out and buy another one. Tomorrow will definitely be interesting.

posted by GeminiWisdom @ 7:06 PM |


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