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25 February 2006

Author's Day

According to SARK's 2006 Pure Relaxation Calendar. Dedicated to writer's like me, I probably should've been feeling the flow of creative mojo. I might have, if I hadn't spent half the morning with my best friend (and bridesmaid) driving out to BFE to look at shoes and flip flops for my wedding. It was worth it cuz I found the shoes, the flip flops for my wedding party, bought a $10 candle that smells refreshingly of Fresh Linen, and found out the woman does party favors. I actually found a unique favor idea and hope I have the money to do it.

Later on, we went to a Cookie Lee jewlery party that a former co worker of mine was hosting. My best friend loved the jewlery so much, she's decided to host her own party next month. I got a chance to see another former favorite co-worker of mine and I got caught up on all the latest news. A couple of years ago, I was working nights doing data entry and "E" was my team lead. Crazy girl with a great sense of humor, but had a messed up home life. The type of home life that included--and still includes--an unhappy marriage, two boys and an affair that's been going on for 2 yrs. Like I said...crazy. Huh. Maybe I can work that into my story.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 8:23 PM |


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