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19 February 2006

Permission to be Crabby Day

According to SARK's 2006 Pure Relaxation Calendar, that's what today is. If anyone--female, to be exact--is preparing for Auntie Flow's monthly visit today, then you're good. You have a perfect excuse for your mood swings. This day should've been on Saturday. I did nothing but laundry all friggin' day. That can make any person crabby. Today, I did nothing but hang out in my pj's watching anime, snowboard cross (Lord, Jacobellis REALLY biffed it) and ice dancing compulsories (boring, but the costumes were nice).

After seeing that, I decided to check out the earlier days to see what I missed. On the 13th, it was "Random Acts of Kindess Week"; on the 16th it was "Celebration of Age Day" (this day would really count if it was someone's birthday).
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 5:30 PM |


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