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16 February 2006

New Release of the Week: Michiganrafter

Hello, and welcome to another edition of New Release. This week, it's michiganrafter: "Born and raised in Detroit, I lived in Michigan the first 35 years of my life until work relocated me and I began my exile. I long for the coast of Northwest Michigan and the towns of Charlevoix, Petoskey, and Traverse City...known collectively in Detroit as "Up North" and the Murdick's Fudge and Green Rivers from my younger days."

C'MON DOWN!!! Wait...he already did that. This is my first male renter, who also happens to be a writer and has been posting regular updates on the Winter Olympics. Too cool. So, pop on over and say "wa'sup" to my new renter.

posted by GeminiWisdom @ 9:22 AM |


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