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28 February 2006

Tomorrow could be boring

Now I know what it must feel like to send my ms out to a ton of agents and get either no response or outright rejected. I have yet to do that--agent hunting, that is---but bidding for a spot on someone else's blog site is giving me a thick skin for when I do. The agent hunt, in case you weren't paying attention. I got lucky though and have found myself hanging out at Tomorrow Could Be Boring for the next week. She reminded me of Tori Amos, so I decided to bid. Please go visit and tell her that her renter forced you into it. *grin*

NOTE: I'm also still hanging out at Fragile Musings, although that gig might be up soon. Take a last look over there and while you're visiting, be real casual-like and find out why I had to plug myself on there. From over here.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 8:22 AM |


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