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08 March 2006

New Characters in the Hizzouse

I "killed off" some Characters from my list and made 5 new ones:

Ficklechick - very funny lady
Courting Destiny - her blog is currently being nominated in two categories
The Art of Getting By - fellow Gemini, too cool
The Reign of Ellen - great illustrator. You can be added to her "Royal Court" by sending her a pic of yourself.
The Write Way Home - fellow YA writer, although she writes fantasy. Yay for meeting another creative-minded person.

Now, I know we've had this discussion before about sneaking away, "getting black" on you and taking off some shoes if you don't visit my peeps. This time is going to be no different. However, that zap you'll get could sting a little if you don't do as I say. So, if you don't want to look like Don King all day, sashay yourself on over to The Characters section of my sidebar and go say hello. And don't forget to tell them who sent you. That would be me. In case you forget.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 11:08 AM |


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