29 March 2006
That's her...Miss Ali D
Oh, the struggle! It is so hard creating new characters. The mojo has been running horribly dry (well, that and I haven't had time to search out new people worthy enuff to make my story). I offed about 3 or 4 Characters the other night and usually try to find that many to create again, but, sadly, none were speaking to me. Except for one.I would like to introduce you to That's Me, Miss Ali D. She's 32, flirty, a bit on the sassy side, has a love jones for sling backs, and is a publicist. Not to mention the hottie (nay, stalker? Which would really suck) eyeballing her every morning (see her recent post).
So, stroll on over to the sidebar, click away, and LEAVE A COMMENT. Geez, I hate people who peek and run. Wuss.
So go, do it now. Or I'll make you do The Carlton Dance.