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29 March 2006

That's her...Miss Ali D

Oh, the struggle! It is so hard creating new characters. The mojo has been running horribly dry (well, that and I haven't had time to search out new people worthy enuff to make my story). I offed about 3 or 4 Characters the other night and usually try to find that many to create again, but, sadly, none were speaking to me. Except for one.

I would like to introduce you to That's Me, Miss Ali D. She's 32, flirty, a bit on the sassy side, has a love jones for sling backs, and is a publicist. Not to mention the hottie (nay, stalker? Which would really suck) eyeballing her every morning (see her recent post).

So, stroll on over to the sidebar, click away, and LEAVE A COMMENT. Geez, I hate people who peek and run. Wuss.

So go, do it now. Or I'll make you do The Carlton Dance.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 10:06 AM |


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