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29 March 2006

This will taste good...

Hello and welcome to another week of NEW RELEASE. This week's tenant is Taste the World. Meet Chase, she's 30, mother of a gaggle of beagles, loves "writing, reading, people-watching, and wasting every ounce of time I have on the Internet". Huh. If only one could really have that kind of life. Very funny lady. I needed some tastiness up in the crib and I think she fits the bill. Hopefully, there won't be any stains to clean up a week from now. Eww.

So, once again, cuz you've just done this for Ali D, you will now go over and visit my new renter. You will, you will, you will, because I will SO make you do The Carlton Dance. And I know that won't be pretty.
posted by GeminiWisdom @ 11:50 AM |


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