04 May 2006
Model behavior
Meet Gabriel Aubry, age 30, People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People. You've seen him--or maybe not. He doesn't look familiar to me--in ad campaigns for Versace, Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein. When I saw this guy's picture, I was like, "Well, hel-lo. And aren't you a fine-lookin' specimen of male flesh?" And then I read on....
"Beauty Secret: "When you're tan, you can't go wrong. That's why it's dangerous to go shopping when you're tan." *snicker*. um...ok.
"Biggest Indulgence: "I love tanning. That's my vice." *smirk*. Yeah, I believe you mentioned that.
His Must-Have: "I cannot live without conditioner. I like Garnier because it smells like apple." *snort* Oh brother.
...and proceeded to roll my eyes and think, "What a fluffhead." When I read this...
"You may recognize him as: Halle Berry's model boyfriend".
I did a doubletake, read it again, and was like, "SHUT...UP!"
Yay for Halle: She was chosen as People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People, too. I would've been pissed if she hadn't been. And then I would've had to write a very "nice" (read: scathing with a lot of 'tude) letter to People Magazine.
Yay for Halle again: In her case, she's had black and hopefully won't go back. She had two very good-looking husbands and they both screwed her over. Of course, if she'd talked to me first, I would've told her to NEVER MARRY AN ATHLETE. Duh! Rule #1. And geez, a muscian? Halle, girlfren', you shoulda hit it and quit it, because Duh! Rule #2 is NEVER MARRY A ROCKSTAR. She needs to take a page out of Julia Roberts's book and hook up with a nobody.
Yay for Halle one more time: YOWZA! Gabe's a hottie. High five me.
Nay for Halle: two words. Fluff. Head. And potential skin cancer candidate. Okay, that was seven words, but still...let's hope there's more between the ears than what was portrayed in the mag. And that he uses the spray-on stuff.