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15 August 2006

The Beyonce Wedding Hair

And here it is. The infamous Beyonce Wedding Hair. I have to say it all capitalized like that because as much as we paid for it, it has to be referred to in capitalized letters. Watch out! I could break into song--dance routine and back-up dancers included--at any moment. Truly. I feel like I should be struttin' down the street in a sparkly barely there outfit, stiletto heels, wind machine blowing my hair around, belting out "Your love has gotten me lookin' so crazy..." Actually, I prefer that duet I did with Sean Paul.

Anyhow, it's golden brown and blonde extensions adhered to my own hair. And by "adhered" I mean glued. But it's the good glue: keratin. Which is good for your hair anyway. Altogether, it took about 10 hrs. But not at one time. The first time took about 6-7, and she (my fantabeautemus beautician to whom I've been going faithfully for 10 years) had to stop because she didn't get enough of the brown. She finished last night and it took an add'l 3 hours.

And this is the result...

from the side

the front

and the "other side"

I can wash it, curl it, basically do everything I normally do with my own hair (except comb it. I have to use a brush. Oh, and use a special brand of shampoo and conditioner--Goldwell--because it really helps with the tangles). How long will it last, you ask? As much as I'd like to say a whole year, that's wishful thinking on my part. It's more like 3 months, but I'd be pushing it at 4. Although my best friend just asked me today how much it would cost for touch-ups.

My answer was a resounding blank look on my face.

Huh. Touch-ups. Hadn't thought of that. Truth be told, I'm afraid to ask. For fear that it's going to be more money that I ever want to spend again. In my lifetime.

I'll look good on my wedding day. I'll look good on my honeymoon. And really, y'know, that's all that matters.


posted by GeminiWisdom @ 10:16 PM |


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