12 August 2006
This local author went to Market
The Phoenix Downtown Public Market, that is. I had to bring my own tent, tables and chairs, but I think I had a good L-shaped spot. So I set up one table for SkyMaDa Designs and Purse Candy Keychains (the picture you see here), and the other table for the books.
It was hot. They had misters, but they kept sputtering out. I had a hot dog for breakfast at 9am in the morning. I later had a farm grown peach (way juicy...and very tasty) and Sonoran Root Beer (smooth and sweet, nothing like Barq's or A & W).
No one entered my contest, but I got some sales. Not too bad for a one-time only gig. Maybe when Book One comes out, I'll go back.
You can view the rest of the pictures HERE.
BONUS MOMENT: A woman that had bought my books for her nieces in Illinois at the AZ Book Festival in April, came back today and bought two more. She told me that her nieces loved my books so much that their church is doing a play based off of the characters in the books! How coolio is that? Hah! I can't wait to see what they'll do when DA Book One comes out. Even though it was hotter than a witch's tittie, that made my day. It was more humid than anything, thanks to the rain the night before. And no, I wouldn't know if a witch's tittie is hot, but I imagine they are if the witch is evil. I'm just sayin'.