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27 May 2007

Change is a-comin'...

And hopefully it'll be this week. As you can see from the above post, my author website is being re-vamped. It's been a long time coming, too. Two months to be exact. I was hoping to debut it sooner, but the company I went thru had to do some restructuring--and some catching up--and my designer had to step back from my project because nothing was turning out the way it should.

I know all about that stepping back thing.

But today she sent me a link of what she's done so far and it's FREAKIN' AWESOME. I'm dying to see the rest of the pages (the Book pages in particular). I had a vision of how I wanted this site to look. I had specific details for each page and specific images that I wanted to appear on each page.

My designer took these instructions, ran down the court, jumped off the trampoline...and slam-dunked it!

I can't wait to see the finished product and show it to all of you.

Hope you like it.

Note: I blogged about this a couple of months ago. If you'd like to read the explanation behind it all, go HERE and HERE and scroll down to the bottom.


posted by GeminiWisdom @ 11:05 PM |


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